Eligibility: Free to all PG&E and Community Choice Energy customers who have 12 months of smart meter data.
HomeIntel creates a custom plan and provides coaching to reduce wasted energy in your home.
Online energy analysis account based on smart meter analysis
Custom recommendations based on your home's unique energy profile
Personal energy coach for email, phone and in-home consultations
Reports updated monthly to track your progress
For those ready to switch, we can also help assess your home's electrification options.
"We cut our bill in half and are on track to save over $2,000
after the changes we made with HomeIntel's help."
HomeIntel customer
Their story: This couple has lived in their 3,000sqft home in Stanford, CA for 30 years.
Despite completing HVAC upgrades, they still had high energy use.
Their results: Saving $220 per month and over $2,500 annually.
The customer above found 4 Energy Hogs using HomeIntel.
(1) Old baseboard heaters costing $100 per month
(2) Continuous hot water recirculation pump costing $50 per month
(3) 20 year old wine cellar (cooler pictured) costing $120 per month
(4) Instant hot water dispenser under the sink costing $30 per month
Questions? Contact support@hea.com
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